28 July 2010
Our new staircase
06 July 2010
Amanda Makes Pasta
22 June 2010
Trip to San Fermo
From San Fermo, I went to the Corte Mercado Vecchio to see the stairs, and finally, to La Casa di Guilietta, to see the letters. Can't leave Verona with seeing Juliet! She and Romeo are everywhere in this city.
The (Second to) Last Supper
20 June 2010
Trip to Bolzano
We wandered around, admiring everything, especially the pastries, and feeling the influence of Austria on northern Italy. After a quick trip to the Info Office, we learned that the Iceman has been laid to rest in Bolzano's Museo Archaeologico dell'Alto Adige. Ötzi, as he is known, was discovered in 1991 by two German hikers and is one of the oldest mummified corpses ever found. Also, Ötzi was a "wet mummy," which meant that his body could provide a great deal of scientific data about his life and context. He lived around 5000 years ago and today reposes in a refrigerated exhibit case in Bolzano for all the world to see. We loved the museum, but had more to see. We wandered through town and made our way to the cable car that carries commuters up into the mountains to a little village called Renon. The view from the cable car was spectacular, as was Renon. We took a little walk, after filling our water bottles at the "Trinkwasser" spring (German is the primary language here). By the time we were ready to stop for lunch, it was 2:30 and all restaurants were closed--so we went to the local pizzaria, where the proprietor proposed that we sit in her garden and enjoy a plate of local meats and cheeses and some wine. Perfecto, followed by cake--chocolate or apricot, both slathered with whipped cream. Serendipity, once again. Totally enjoyable.
After lunch, we made our way back down the mountain via cable car and caught a train home to Verona. We had a date for the Opera that we did not want to miss.
Here's a slideshow of our day:
07 June 2010
Salumi class
06 June 2010
My Food Course
My food course have been going along very well (at least from my perspective). Since I moved the class to my apartment, it seems easier to do everything--I have my projector, my computer, WiFi, a kitchen, and actual food. Last week, we had one class where we discussed Pane e Pasta (Bread and Pasta). I asked everyone to bring something to share--like a pot luck--and they all did. Francesca made a delicious ziti with tomatoes and cheese (anything else, Francesca?), other people brought different kinds of breads, and I made a platter of pasta con pesto (freshish pasta purchased en route home from my Italian class in the morning, plus deli pesto from the same Salumeria, my favorite). I also got a half loaf of Tuscan bread, which is crusty, white, and made without salt, and a small loaf of some sort of “antiqua” pane from a market I passed in the Piazza Isolo (which was a small traditionally shaped loaf, baked in a loaf pan, but clearly a sour dough bread). Mike brought a loaf of store-bought sliced whole wheat sandwich bread, and we also had a couple of other seeded, whole grain type breads.
So we cut up all of the bread into pieces for tasting and then proceeded to evaluate texture, flavor, taste, and personal preferences--and tried to figure out which breads were closed to what the Romans might have eaten and why. We had read an article about Roman bread, which described it as wheat, but coarsely ground, gray, and containing bits of the grinding medium (stones, bad for your teeth). Gives new meaning to “stone ground.” People didn’t much like the “antique” bread, but it was useful for discussing leavening techniques. Most of us really liked the seeded, whole grain-type breads best.
Then we turned to pasta. Michael had brought a bag of typical grocery store fusilli and I had a box of “Sapori di Casa” (taste of home) fettucine, which took a minute and a half to cook (compared to eight minutes for the fusilli). It was delicious and did indeed taste “Homemade,” just as the box promised. The pesto was wonderful too and we had a very tasty class. This company produces eight different varieties of pasta: Chittare, Maccheroncini, Tagliolini, Fettucine, Tagliatelle, Pappardelle, Linguine, and Maltagliati.
Last Friday, we did a similar tasting for our discussion of Olives and Olive Oil. We had five different olive oils, ranging from the typical “Pam” (supermarket) variety, to two della zona/made locally. One of these, from Salvagno, comes from Verona, and was pale green, gently fruity, and slightly peppery. The other, Fontanare, is also from the Verona region, but unfiltered. A bit more intense and peppery and cloudy in appearance, but also delicious. Next week, we do Meat and Salumi.
For me, this course offers a way of combining several different learning experiences--first, reading background material about the history of the food and the technologies related to its production over time, but second, evaluating food products and being able to directly apply the background knowledge to figure out where those foodstuffs came from and why they look and taste they way they do. It is great fun and I am learning a lot--always satisfying.
30 May 2010
My students in the Teatro Romano, en route to the Museo Archaeologico.
29 May 2010
Dinner with Federica and Karen
The rain ended in time for me to meet Federica at the Cafe Casa Blanca for a spritz. Karen Hillson, the art historian from the NH Art Institute joined us and we all went out to dinner at the Antica Trattoria Pero d’Oro--the Golden Pear. Another delicious meal, this time (for me) fettucine with artichokes and Vitello Tonnato--which was awesome! Vitello Tonnato is cold sliced veal with a thin layer of mayonnaise sauce--flavored with tuna and capers. Molto delicato. Panna cotta with caramel sauce for dessert--the caramel sauce was dark dark dark, almost the color of chocolate, and fabulous! Cafe completo (with grappa) to finish us off. A delightful evening with delightful company. Buona notte.
Il Vicolo
Here are some pictures of Il Vicolo, the house where we are all living (me and six female students). I have a kitchen/livingroom and a bedroom, all well furnished and very comfy. My kitchen has a *red* refrigerator--very flashy. I love it! My living space is large enough to hold my class in, which works quite well. I have a projector, computer, and wireless internet access. What more could I need? It also makes it possible not only to teach about foodways, but to allow the students to experience tastes of those foodways. This will be fun for all.
Last night, we all went out for dinner to the Trattoria Isola, a local restaurant that I had found in the SlowFood guide and which I loved the last time I was here. It lived up to my memory of it. The food is all home cooked and local and delizia!!!! I had a primi of fettucine with salmon and a secondi of bacala with grilled polenta. The dolce was semifreddo amarato. All mouthwateringly good. Several of the students tried horse, yes horse, as in cavallo--a local specialty here in Verona. It was lots of fun!
More soon. Many adventures still to come.
27 May 2010
Italian Class
Earlier in the day, I had my first meeting with my Mediterranean food class--six students, a cozy seminar. The classroom is lacking in a few basics (internet access), but certainly adequate and the problems will be resolved eventually. Although it had been a gorgeous day when we went into class, by the time we left, it was pouring rain. We darted from arcade to arcade, trying to stay dry, all the way to Piazza Erbe--where three of us ducked into a cafe for lunch. Pasta with pesto, basic, but delicious. I also managed to squeeze in a little grocery shopping today--dishwashing soap, a sponge, and other basics--so now am feeling quite settled. Tonight I am nesting, eating some fresh asiago with olives and a drizzle of olive oil. Just San Benedetto (so far) as accompaniment. Hoping to give a blog tutorial to some of the students later on--they all have to create blogs as part of the course, sharing their food explorations. I'll post links as they appear. More soon.
26 May 2010
11 January 2010
New Love: Painting
After a long period of chaos and angst over how much money this was costing, we are finally finished with bathroom #1 and it is beautiful! Big new bathtub, white tiles everywhere, fancy French pedestal sink, heated floor (my favorite part), decent lighting, a real medicine cabinet with mirrors, and a linen closet. Along the way, I have rediscovered my love of painting--walls, trim, and furniture. It's been years. I bought a console table at the unpainted furniture store in town and am in the process of painting it a pumpkiny color. But I am thinking that I would like to do some kind of decorative glazing over the orange (what this color really is). I am now looking for helpful suggestions about online sources. Somewhere in the recesses of my mind I am hearing the name Jocasta Innes--a flash from the seventies, I think. Anyway, I just googled her and she is still around. So stay tuned for my adventures in decorative finishes.